How to use ChakraUI on native mobileThis post grew out of the discussion on the React Native issue for Chakra UI, plus my own research. I fear some of the brief points…Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Where JavaScript came from — the mythosI randomly discovered this little poem, while I happened to look into the edit history of a stackoverflow answer (on the differences…Jun 30, 2020Jun 30, 2020
How to format cells through code in Google SheetsKeywords: Google Sheets, Spreadsheets, JavaScript, Google Apps Script.Apr 30, 2020Apr 30, 2020
En intuitiv måte å forstå balansen, og debit og kreditMange sliter med å forstå regnskap, spesielt helt i starten. Man blir unødig forvirret av alle mulige rare måter å forklare debit/kredit…Jan 24, 2020Jan 24, 2020
What did Wittgenstein say about what ‘a game’ is?The following is an excerpt from Ludwig Wittgenstein’s book Philosophical Investigations (1953), starting from page 5, at § 7(links…May 2, 2019May 2, 2019
The Future of Education: Just-in-Time Learning.We are currently spending 3–5 years in university to soak up as much knowledge as we can, before we’re sent out in the real world. Only a…Sep 20, 20142Sep 20, 20142